Visual Artist & Community Art Practitioner
Year: 2018
I worked with a group of women over 4 series workshops to research, design and produce a banner in Scottish refugee council. The banner was made up of cutting and attaching the fabrics that participate donate to the project, represent their stories, cultures and hometown, hand gesture and texts writing around the edge came from variety of different women’s voices of a larger central section that was some figures of women participate from different ethics. All the texts were drawn from conversations that we had within the workshops around what your massage is as a refugee woman in 2018, as well as from research from material in the Library’s archive, notably the banner and badge collection.
Processions was a mass participation project bringing thousands of women together in creative workshops leading to UK-wide public processions on Sunday 10th June. as a success of banner we have been invited to Scottish Parliament and short listed for British textile Biennail and will Exhibite in partnership with Mid Pennine Arts.
Year: 2018
Year: 2018
Year: 2018
Year: 2018